One of my birthday (recently) presents was a box containing Tom Wright’s DVD presentations on the essentials of Christianity (the USA edition) – Living Faith. It’s vintage, absorbing, articulate Tom Wright. It’s one of the best introductions to the Christian faith that I’ve seen – very aware of today’s context and the world(s) within we live out of the Christian story, and within which we communicate the Christian story. The promotional material says that this is “A DVD-based course that brings Tom Wright directly to you study group. In ten absorbing sessions, one of the world’s foremost theologians helps us explore the essentials of Christianity.” 2 DVDs containing 10 sessions of approx. 30 mins each. Each session begins with a substantial introduction from Tom Wright Session Titles: Disc 2 SPCK’s website – here – has a downloadable “leaders guide” and a sample chapter from the study guide.
Disc 1
1. The Story and Message of the Bible | 2. The Hebrew Scriptures | 3. The World, Life and Ministry of Jesus | 4. The Gospel Testimonies to Jesus | 5. Paul and the Outward Movement
6. A Brief History of Christianity | 7. Christian Doctrines and Beliefs | 8. Other Religions and Beliefs | 9. Growing In and Sharing Christ | 10. Living Christianly in the World.
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