Paul writes – Christopher Jamison OSB, author of the wonderful book, Finding Sanctuary: Monastic Steps for Everyday Life, has a new book out shortly - Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life. You can read a review here, and an excerpt here.
“…The Seven Deadly Sins are derived from the Eight Thoughts of John Cassian, the monk who, in the Fourth Century, systematically recorded the teachings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. He described how monks and nuns were always afflicted by Eight Thoughts or Demons. The transformation from Eight Thoughts to Seven Sins begins with Pope Gregory the Great in the Sixth Century. Gregory began this process by removing one vice from the list: acedia, a Greek word which can be translated as spiritual apathy. The disappearance of acedia from ordinary people’s vocabulary deprived Western culture of the ability to name an important feature of the spiritual life, namely, loss of enthusiasm for the spiritual life itself. While the word has disappeared, the reality of spiritual carelessness is strongly present in our culture…”
Jamison was last featured in a post on this blog, here. The book can be pre-ordered here.
Definitely looks like something I'd be interested in reading. Thanks for the reference, i'll have to look into it.
Posted by: Spiritual Movies | Wednesday, 26 November 2008 at 04:28 AM
I am a Welshman (Cymro. to give us our correct title) I live near to and, preach in the Rhondda.Which now hardley has a chapel of greater than 40, meeting together. The bleeding away from the faith has closed most chapels and decimated what remains. I have been churh leader, planter ,evangelist, teacher you name it. I cannot believe the way most people do. I feel odd.Unreal, lost, and yet God is closer.Closer than life.I find myself at odds with so called Preachers and fellow believers, so much so I will not venture to speak.I know that they will not agree.I believe God honours me and teachers me more, now than through any time of study etc.I want to fit in again. There is much more to say but, no tongue,just hope and trust. That he who has began, will continue , to his glory
Posted by: D.Michael. Doman | Thursday, 20 January 2011 at 04:48 AM