I haven’t read anything by practitioner / theologian John Swinton (you’ll find a written interview with him online here), but I’ve had an awareness of him because he’s consistently been on the edges of conversation and reading I’ve done for many years now. It was therefore a rich, and in same ways transformative experience to actually sit down and listen to him in a recent conversation made available by Nomad Podcast. His was a rich, insightful, and deeply thoughtful perspective on disability (including a critique of the term), dementia, time, and what it means to be human.
I will be listening to it again, and highly recommend it. You’ll find the downloadable podcast here (titled: Becoming Friends of Time), or via your podcast app on your phone. You’ll find his book on time, referenced in the conversation, here. If you enjoyed this conversation, you’ll equally enjoy Homebrewed Christianity’s 2017 conversation with him from the other side of the Atlantic, here.
Hi Paul,
John presented to a 'Disability/Theology' conference I attended 2014 (facilitated by Laidlaw).
I don't remember too much of what he said, but I do remember his personality - it is exactly as your photo of him portrays!
Posted by: Merv | Friday, 09 February 2018 at 10:07 AM