Out on the 6th September 2018 (UK) or 13th November 2018 (US) is a new book from Rowan Williams: Christ the Heart of Creation.
“In this wide-ranging book, Rowan Williams argues that what we say about Jesus Christ is key to understanding what Christian belief says about creator and creation overall. Through detailed discussion of texts from the earliest centuries to the present day, we are shown some of the various and subtle ways in which Christians have discovered in their reflections on Christ the possibility of a deeply affirmative approach to creation, and a set of radical insights in ethics and politics as well.
Throughout his life, Rowan Williams has been deeply influenced by thinkers of the Eastern Christian tradition as well as Catholic and Anglican writers. This book draws on insights from Eastern Christianity, from the Western Middle Ages and from Reformed thinkers, from Calvin to Bonhoeffer – as well as considering theological insights sparked by philosophers like Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. Christ the Heart of Creation concerns fundamental issues for Christian belief and Williams tackles them head-on: he writes with clarity and shows his gift for putting across what are inevitably complex ideas to a wide audience.”
You can pre-order the book via Amazon.co.uk, or Amazon.com. There’s not a lot of information out yet about the book, but I’m assuming it’s the published form of his 2016 Hulsean Lectures delivered under the title 'Christ and the Logic of Creation.'
If you read Rowan Williams, you might have some interest in this 2012 essay: Christ and Contemplation: Doctrine and Spirituality in the Theology of Rowan Williams (PDF), published in the Anglican Theological Review, and written by Dustin Resch. I read it a few months back. You might also be interested in his 2002 Trinity College, University of Melbourne lecture titled: Living Sacramentally (PDF). I don’t recall having previously mentioned either of these papers on this blog.
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